Get Help
Hours of Operation
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Morning: 9:15 to 11:30 |
Morning: 9:15 to 11:30 |
Morning: 9:15 to 11:30 |
Morning: 9:15 to 11:30 |
CLOSED 11:30-1:15 |
CLOSED 11:30-1:15 |
CLOSED 11:30-1:15 |
CLOSED 11:30-1:15 |
Afternoon: 1:15 to 4:00 |
Afternoon: 1:15 to 4:00 |
Afternoon: by advance appointment only |
Afternoon: 1:15 to 4:00 |
![child's hand holding adult's fingers](../images/photos/gethelp.jpg)
Click here for a printable version of our Get Help info.
- You must live in Sonoma County or have a case/legal matter in Sonoma County.
- If you need help with a housing/eviction problem or a guardianship, you must be low-income.
- ALL clients must bring us proof of their income, whatever it is.
- Legal Aid's services are available in English and Spanish.
- Domestic Violence/Civil Harassment Restraining Orders: If you are feeling afraid of someone you know, live with, have a relationship with, or are related to, we can help you seek a Restraining Order. We will help you prepare all the legal documents you need, assist you to write your story for the judge, and help you prepare for your hearing. All of these services are confidential and private. To receive Civil Harassment assistance you must be LOW INCOME. Domestic Violence services are provided for people of all income levels.
- Guardianship Services: If you are caring for, or want to care for a child that is not yours (grandchild, neighbor, a friend's child), a guardianship can give you custody of that child as well as access to financial and medical resources for the child. To receive guardianship services you must be LOW INCOME.
- Eviction/Housing Cases: If you are being evicted or have questions about your rental housing, we can assist you with information and legal papers to respond to your eviction. We also assist landlords who are having difficulty with their tenants or need to file eviction papers. To receive eviction/housing services you must be LOW INCOME.
IMPORTANT: If you receive eviction papers, come to see us IMMEDIATELY. If you wait too long, we may not be able to assist you!!
Informational Workshops:
Legal Aid offers monthly legal workshops which are open to the public. Go to our Calender Page for the current Workshop Schedule.
How to get our services:
If your matter is urgent we HIGHLY recommend that you come in to set an appointment. We generally set same day or next day appointments. You may also call 542-1290 to set an appointment.
NOTE: We often can not return phone calls for 48 hours.
Link to Directions & Map
What to bring:
- Proof of Income
- Police reports
- ANY COURT papers from the last Two years and the most CURRENT COURT ORDER in your case.
- Full Name, Address and contact information of the person you are opposing in your case.
Links to other related services:
Emergency Housing: Community Action Partnership, Catholic Charities
Domestic Violence Shelter: YWCA
Family Law Assistance (custody, support, divorce): Sonoma Superior Court
Other self help legal information: California Courts.gov